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Upcoming Youth Events
Check back for upcoming Creativity Lab events
(Association - wide events)
Thursday, July 11 at 10 am. Service project - feeding the homeless with the Outdoor Church. Meet at FBC Medford, 29 Oakland St, Medford.
September 29 -
Let's have some fall fun! We'll gather to play a high-intensity game of Temple Run, a cross between Manhunt and a Scavenger Hunt. Bring your youth group and all their friends for this free night which will also include a supper of "walking tacos." For youth in grades 5 and up. First Baptist Church, 8 Lafayette St.,Wakefield, 4 -7PM on September 29.
Further afield: A service retreat! October 11-13 at Oceanwood in Ocean Park, ME. We'll be working on maintenance projects for the camp. Cost $60 per person. Details of going together TBD. This is part of a larger event. Flyer attached.
Judson Youth Events are for youth in Judson churches in
5 th -12 th grades, their friends of the same age, and their adult leaders. Youth group alum welcome to visit.
RSVP to Melinda at